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February 28, 2023 |

GIATA Roomtype Mapping

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RTM room grouping and characteristics
PDF 700 KB

RTM API Definition















Frequently Asked Questions

What does the product/tool do?


Allows like-for-like comparisons of inconsistently named room types, across multiple
suppliers, by grouping similar room types together under a standardised naming convention.

What are the benefits to my business?


Provides clarity to your customer on what room types are available, identifying the best
available price for each room type. This creates upsell opportunities, improves conversion
and the end-user experience.

How does the Product work?


The product does not use a traditional data mapping solution – there is no database per se, and the solution is supplier independent meaning that it works for all your suppliers without the need for any mapping or data set up. The product uses an algorithmic approach utilising a data dictionary of commonly used terms, creating a standardised Group Name for common room types along with key attributes that define the room.

Why an Algorithmic approach?


Supplier Room Type names are constantly changing and are often used as a way of
promoting special offers, including booking conditions such as non-refundable, or gaining a
marketing advantage by changing the name. It is a highly dynamic environment with new or
amended room types added on a daily basis.
This represents an almost impossible logistical challenge to manage in a timely manner,
using more conventional data mapping techniques. Hence the Algorithmic approach, which
enables Clients to successfully de-dupe the supplier room types dynamically. GIATA analyses
the data from millions of availability responses and continually evolves the product.
Embedded in the Algorithmic approach is the ability to learn and adapt from these
responses so that every Client benefits from the GIATA network effect of their 21,000

What input data is required?


The key element is the supplier room type name plus a Property identifier. The cached
version may also require a room type ID. Finally, the supplier name is useful, but not

How often do I need to refresh the data?


The API is continually refreshed. For an offline cache solution, our technical team will
advise you how best to manage this in accordance with your business model e.g. more
regular updates for your most booked hotels/destinations. Also incremental updates will be
available to maximise operational efficiency.

Is the service available 24/7?


Yes – subject to normal maintenance windows, which will be publicised in advance.

Is any mapping required?



Are any additional supplier or third party permissions required?


No – we are only working with data that you are already authorised to access via your
existing agreements with your suppliers.

What support is available for the integration process?


The product includes an integration fee which covers a full consultation from our experts
on how best to integrate the product into your current applications in order to maximise the

Does the product support other languages?


The product currently provides responses in English, German and Italian, with Spanish, French and Portuguese available shortly. however because GIATA is a multilingual specialist, subject to demand the product can be swiftly expanded to support other languages. Please note that the dictionary already includes commonly used foreign language input terms e.g. Apartamentos for Apartment.

How do I test the product?


The product will initially offer a free two month testing and implementation period, plus
there is a tool available to give you access to the API so you can gain a better understanding
of product functionality. The first licence fee will therefore be collected two months after
the signature date of the Contract.

How are product updates communicated?


These will be advised directly by email to the agreed technical point of contact.

What do I do if I discover an incorrect Grouping/Naming?


Please email us immediately at support@roommapping.com including as much detail as
possible. These emails are manually reviewed as part of an on-going weekly process.

What happens if an error leads to a customer complaint?


We strongly recommend that the original supplier room name is clearly shown to the
customer before the final booking confirmation to ensure that the customer has full clarity
on what is being purchased. All Groupings and Group Names are constructed on the basis
that we do not overpromise e.g. if we are not totally sure that a Room is Superior, then we
will only offer it as a Standard Room. All genuine errors where possible will be corrected
within 3 working days of being reported to the support email address.

Is compensation payable in the event of booking losses caused by the Product?


No. The Product has been designed to be as risk free as possible, and the monthly licence
cost has also intentionally been kept low to reflect this. GIATA will work closely with you
during the integration phase and advise you on how to best minimise any risk.

Does it match to actual / official hotel room type names?


Not yet, but this is scheduled for future development and GIATA is already collecting thousands of official hotel room types directly from hotels via their MyGiata product.

Can I use RTM for suppliers not yet mapped by GIATA?


Yes – any unrecognised terminology will be swiftly incorporated via the existing Leftovers

What are the different options available?


The two options available are “Base” and “Plus”. The Base product provides Groupings
and a suggested Group Name only. The Plus product also includes the Primary Attributes
(room characteristics) e.g. room class (superior, etc.); view; number of bedrooms, which can
be used as required throughout the booking journey e.g. filters to improve the search
capabilities and user experience. The Plus product also includes a “Confidence Factor”
indicating how well each supplier room type is matched to the standardised Group Name.

Do I have flexibility in the Groupings / Names?


Depending on client feedback, the Product roadmap will include a feature to adjust the
profile to match your business model, allowing you to define how room types are grouped

What is the benefit of receiving the Attributes?


These can be used to create bespoke search options tailored to your customers’ needs
e.g. filters for accessibility; or for rooms with specific features e.g. Ocean View or Junior

Does it handle all property types?


Yes – it is designed to cover hotels, apartments, villas and all traditional forms of vacation
rental properties. Please note however that Hostels are still a work in progress.

What are “Leftovers”?


These are words or phrases that have not been found in the GIATA data dictionary. These
are immediately sent to a manual review process and are incorporated swiftly into the
dictionary to ensure they are available for future searches within a few working days.

Are there any limits to the number of searches I can perform?


No limitations, but for high transaction environments, we will recommend the cache-based solution.

Is there any limitation on the number of suppliers?



Where in my application does it sit?


The product is intended to kick-in at the point where the availability responses have been
received from your suppliers and will enable you to show your customers a summary of
available offers in an optimised and standardised format. The remainder of the booking
journey is largely as per your current process e.g. you will still confirm the booking to the
supplier using their original room type code.

How do I consume it?


There are two basic methods of consumption:
– Direct API call at point of sale
– Offline cache environment where the same API is used in background mode (to ensure
the cache is continually refreshed)
For further customised solutions, please contact us.

Can I have the product installed directly in to my own environment?


Not currently however there is an installable library solution in development, which can be
discussed depending on your individual requirements. This would include both the
Algorithm and Data Dictionary.

How will the product function in a cached environment?


Detailed guidelines are available on request, however the product has been designed to
provide the flexibility for you to create a cache which works best in your operational
environment. Our experts are available to guide you on how best to design the cache in
order to maximise operational efficiencies and minimise risk.

Will the product work in a shared platform environment?


Yes the product has been designed to work in both single and shared platforms.

What changes to my application are required to maximise the benefits?


The key is to improve the user experience both in terms of searching (e.g. Accessible
rooms can now be pre-selected) and displaying the best available offers, including
highlighting upsell opportunities e.g. by identifying higher class rooms which offer better
value for money.

What response times can I expect from the API?


The product is designed to interface with your search process with the absolute minimum
impact, and the affect on your search response times will be almost imperceptible.

Do I need to be an existing GIATA customer to access this product?


No, but significantly discounted rates are available for existing Multicodes or TTIcodes licence holders.

How can I get a licence for RoomType Mapping?


Please use the button “Have a question? Contact us” on our website or call our team under +49 30 420 265 50.

Is there a minimum term to the Agreement?


For a stand-alone contract it is 24 months. For existing Multicodes / TTI Codes customers the RTM Agreement runs in line with your existing agreement.